We are trying to put into logic what can only be known through experience. If it is the case that we live in an eternal substrate of consciousness, then language is the wrong framework and instead sense ought to be derived from qualia.
Experience is the original communication. There is no other vehicle that can carry the dimensionality of it all. No language can come close to reconstruct these scenarios. Hence; ultimate understanding cannot be written down, it can be pointed towards but never compressed this way.
It gets interesting because in my view there is a limit to the kind of experience observers like us can have. We are not as sophisticated as planetary minds or galactic minds, for instance. The information density is orders of magnitude different.
Either way there is a secret; discreteness is an illusion, and there are ways to integrate us back to the bigger layers of mind and from it extract the solutions to the problems we face.
Truth is a tricky word, but in a sense it doesn't really matter. It's like living out Lord of the Rings, I don't care if Lord of the Rings happened, but the experience was worth being experienced; hence the word truth falls flat. I know that I know what I experienced, it happened.
It's analogous to having a new theoretical framing backing up contentious observations, it had an evolution, it was a journey. I don't know if my theoretical framing will end up being the correct one, but that doesn't really matter because it happened and I experienced it 🤣